New buildings and urban geographies in the 1960s and 1970s
There are some great books from the 1960s and 70s about the new buildings and modern urban geographies being constructed at that time. Here are three of my favourites: 1. Tony Birks, Building the New Universities (David and Charles publishers, 1972) A guide to Sussex, York, East Anglia, Kent, Essex, Warwick, and Lancaster universities, most of which had only finished their first stages of building at the time of publication. A fascinating insight into the ideas and ideals behind this wave of new universities, and how these ideals shaped their architecture and planning. It's also balanced in its assessment of some of the more experimental design features, especially the tendency for concrete to discolour in the British climate, and difficulties of ventilation and heating. Choice quotations: (on the budget freeze and cutbacks of 1968) In a move to lower the cost of learning, or at least the unit-cost of higher education, buildings, like everything else, have to suffer. Any sp...