mapping over 300 political meetings on moors & fields, 1763-1848

I've finally got round to mapping the data I used for my article 'Moors, Fields, and Popular Protest in South Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1800–1848' (Northern History, 46:1. March 2009).

Here's over 300 political, religious and military meetings, mapped automatically with BatchGeo.

View Moors meetings 1763-1848 in a full screen map

NB: I can't guarantee the accuracy of the locations as yet because Batchgeo did it automatically and doesn't always get the right location. Sorting these errors and finding the exact co-ordinates of the meetings is the next stage of the mapping. Also I don't have all the exact dates - where I was unsure, I put the date as the first day of the month. The categories are necessarily broad too, and all the data is meant to be inconclusive, unsystematic and representational rather than total.

What I need to do next is work on a site for crowdsourcing more data. Suggestions welcome.


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