644 Manchester subscribers to the Chartist Land Plan, 1847

A year or so ago I spent a long time transcribing the Manchester subscribers to the Chartist Co-Operative Land Company. The records are in a big volume now at the National Archives (ref to follow). I've given the database of 644 subscribers from Manchester to Mark Crail to put on his wonderful Chartist Ancestors website, to accompany previous transcriptions of other towns by Jamie Bronstein. They contain the names, occupations and full addresses of the subscribers from 1847.

Go to Mark's website to see the names here: http://www.chartists.net/chartist-land-plan/manchester-chartists-land-plan-supporters/

Read his blog here: http://chartist-ancestors.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/was-your-ancestor-manchester-chartist.html

I'm going to map them when I have time and put them on http://protesthistory.org.uk when I have time.

Here's the 1841 census entry for one Land Plan subscriber that Mark picked out: Robert Bellis, tripe dresser and dealer of 30 Pollard Street, Ancoats, Manchester. He was aged 50 in 1841, born in Lancashire, with a 40-year old wife Ann (not born in Lancs), and two teenage sons, Robert and Arthur.

1841 census, Robert Bellis, 30 Pollard Street


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