Chartist tour of London, 21 September 2015, update

Political Meetings Mapper, British Library Labs, update.

On 21 September, we're taking a tour of some of the Chartist meeting sites near the British Library.

Here's some of the costumes, skilfully made by Costume Creations of Wales 

bonnets and aprons. I have caps and waistcoats for the men too!

There are still some places available. It's free, with lunch at the British Library. book here:

I need a male volunteer to pretend to be a Chartist too, so let me know if you're interested in reading a couple of speeches out from the newspapers.

Here are some of the maps of London sites I'm making for the event:

As I said in my British Library Labs blog, I'm surprised how widely the sites were distributed across London. Also, there are some continuities with the London Corresponding Society meeting sites in the 1790s, which I'm still exploring.

The essential guide to London Chartism is still David Goodway, London Chartism, 1838-1848 (Cambridge University Press, 1982).


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